In our school, it is aimed to provide all kinds of opportunities for our students to have an effective place in our rapidly changing and developing world. In mathematics lessons, learning environments are offered that hold students responsible for their own learning by increasing their interest and curiosity, and allow them to learn by experiencing, researching and finding, questioning, thinking and expressing their knowledge and skills related to mathematics.
In our school, the emphasis is on comprehension, problem solving (our students develop their own strategies for problem solving, research solutions using their own thoughts and present them), critical and creative thinking (exploring, guessing, mental processing), discussing, researching and using technology. Mathematics study and learning support is provided to all our students according to their individual characteristics and backgrounds.
In addition to individual learning, our mathematics lessons, where our students are presented with a learning environment where they can produce projects and games by sharing and competing when necessary, are taught in electronic classes when necessary by methods such as invention, question - answer, problem solving, discussion, drama, game, presentation method, research, group work.