Atatürk’s Principles – TED ÇORLU KOLEJİ

Atatürk’s Principles


Atatürk used the expression "the most suitable administration for the character and customs of the Turkish nation" for the Republic and presented the Republic of Turkey, which he called his greatest work, to the Turkish nation.

The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state of law, respectful of human rights, loyal to Atatürk's nationalism.

Atatürk adopted the democratic republic. Regarding this, “The full and most obvious form of democracy is the republic.” he said. At the same time, Atatürk entrusted the republic to the Turkish youth and tried to ensure that the country is in constant renewal and modernization.

The opening of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, the abolition of the sultanate, the proclamation of the republic, the abolition of the caliphate, the adoption of the Constitution, the establishment of political parties, the right to vote and be elected to women are the reforms made by Atatürk in line with the principle of republicanism.


According to Atatürk, a nation is a community of people who have lived together in the past, who have the belief and decision to live together in the future, who have the same homeland, and who have a unity of language, culture and emotion among themselves. Thanks to Atatürk and the Turkish nation, the Republic of Turkey was established and thus the principle of nationalism was revealed. Nationalism, defined by Atatürk, is the understanding of nationalism that bases the definition of nation on the values of language, culture and political unity, regardless of religion and race. Nationalism is trying to love and glorify the Turkish nation.

This principle is the cornerstone of our national unity and solidarity. It aims at the independence of the nation. Atatürk expressed his great love and devotion to the Turkish nation as “How happy is the one who says I am a Turk!”.
He took steps to strengthen the principle of nationalism by establishing the Turkish Historical Society, establishing the Turkish Language Association, enacting the Cabotage Law, opening the Turkish Grand National Assembly, and organizing the Izmir Economic Congress, and ensured the establishment of a National Turkish State.


The principle of populism, first of all, is aimed at the realization and establishment of a progressive, western democracy, which means "the administration of the people by the people for the people". It also prioritizes national sovereignty. The state aims at the welfare and happiness of the citizens. It envisages division of labor and solidarity among citizens. It ensures that the nation enjoys equal access to government services. What is understood from Atatürk's principle of populism is that no one, no group or any class should be privileged in the society. Everyone is equal before the law. According to the principle of populism, no one can gain superiority over others in terms of religion, language, race, sect or economy.

The Turkish Civil Code supports the principle of populism with the measures taken on the issue including giving women the right to vote and be elected, and taking necessary measures for equality between men and women, the realization of the teaching union with the Law of Unification of Education, preparation of a new Turkish alphabet that every citizen can learn, and equal treatment of every citizen before state organs.


Statism is one of the most important principles that undertakes many responsibilities both economically and socially. Atatürk's Statism principle aims at Turkey's development as soon as possible, especially to realize all the economic investments that it could not make on time.

Statism does not leave the private sector aside, but rather glorifies and strengthens it. This situation is also referred to as a mixed economy today.

The model and principle of statism has many features. What is important here is the development of regions with the principle of statism and the attainment of social freedom in economic terms.

Statism has been developed in accordance with Turkey's needs and conditions. It aims to strengthen Turkey's economy and to develop both socially and culturally. When it comes to the public interest, it comes to the fore that the state does what the private sector does not do. It supports both the country's development and social and socio-cultural development. With all these features, the principle of Statism is one of the most important elements for Turkey's development and becoming stronger. It aims at economic, social and cultural development. In line with this principle, many factories were established throughout the country and banks such as Sümerbank and Etibank were opened.


It means separation of religion and state affairs and ensuring freedom of conscience for every citizen. According to Atatürk, "secularism" does not only mean the separation of religion and world affairs. It means freedom of conscience, worship and religion of all citizens.

In secular administration, religion never interferes in state affairs. While making laws, it is not important to comply with religion as in the past, but whether they meet the requirements of the age or not.

"Religion and sect are a matter left to everyone's conscience. No one can force anyone to accept either a religion or a sect. Religion and sect can never be used as a political tool." (Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK)

Atatürk, a great statesman and reformer, attaches great importance to people and their social relations. According to Atatürk, “Religion is a matter of conscience.” and respect for religion is the result of respect for the rights of the believer.

"Religion is a matter of conscience. Everyone is free to obey the orders of their conscience. We respect religion. We are not against thinking and idea. We just try not to mix religious affairs with state and nation affairs." (Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK)

Secularism provided the opportunity for the development of true religiosity, as it opened the door to counterfeit fake religiosity and combating witchcraft, as well as never being irreligious. Secularism took place gradually in the Turkish reform and showed itself in the state, law and education systems. The secularization of the state and law in the republican administration constituted the main principle of the newly established modern state and the main target in its reform. In this respect, secularism, the understanding of the secular state, was realized as a fundamental principle of the Turkish reform, and as a result of the successive reforms on the road to secularism, secularism took its place in our constitution in 1937. It is included in the 2nd article as the basic feature of the state in the constitutions 1961 and 1982 and is one of the articles that cannot be changed or even proposed to be changed.


The preservation of the Turkish Reform is the principle of continuous development and renewal, guided by reason and science, according to the realities of the age. It constitutes the dynamic ideal of Kemalism, which is an ideology for the future rather than the past.

In Kemalism, it is of great importance to preserve and keep the reforms alive. The most effective way to do this is to explain the reforms to the public. In addition, for this reason, it is necessary not to compromise the basic principles of the reforms and to be on the alert against the supporters of the old order who want to destroy the reform. Because no matter how outdated the old order is in a society, its adherents continue to live.

Reformism, of course, does not only mean to protect the Turkish Reform. Such an understanding by itself means freezing the reform and condemning it to death. For this reason, the realization of the dynamic ideal of the Turkish reform requires the breakthroughs required by the level of contemporary civilization. Because success on the path of civilization depends on innovation. This is the only way of development and progress in order to be successful in social life, economic life, and science. For this reason, it is necessary to deepen and strengthen the foundations of the reform every day. A collapse begins in the lives of nations that cannot keep up with innovation.

''We have done a big reform. We took the country from one age and brought it to a new age.” (Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK)

“Seeing me doesn't necessarily mean seeing my face. If you understand and feel my ideas and my feelings, that is enough.” (Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK)

“The aim of the reforms we have made and are making is to bring the people of the Republic of Turkey into a completely modern and civilized society with all its meaning and appearance.” (Mustafa Kemal ATATÜRK)
Atatürk Köşesi
